Have you ever wanted to improve your writing? Or create awesome written content? Look no further! Amarachi’s extensive writing experience will guide your evolution.
Packages include: Custom writer development plan, weekly hands-on consults, access to fun and effective writer tools and strategies; unpacking writer psychology, cultivation of individual writing style, mental health / spiritual wellness check-ins
Become the style icon of your dreams with a comprehensive fashion elevation plan carefully curated for you!
Packages include: Creating & defining your style, closet clean-outs, weekly hands-on consults, wardrobe budgeting, how to wear new pieces, lessons from Amarachi’s “Anatomy of Style” series, mental health/spiritual wellness check-ins
Welcome to the awesome world of content creation and web design! Create beautiful concepts and content plans for your respective brand.
Packages include: Custom Content plan for up to 2 platforms of your choice, recording of content / creative directing with phone, basic editing, uploading content at agreed upon cadence, photos for cover image or YT Thumbnails, creation of thumbnail or social media covers, website building using Squarespace
Ready to transition from your 9-to-5 to God’s divine plan for you? Work with Amarachi to create and implement a customized plan to leave your current employment for a career that truly allows you to shine!
Packages include: Custom job transition/exit plan, holistic checklist during transition, weekly hands-on progress meetings, utilizing current networks and creating new networks for new career, mental health/spiritual wellness checks